This is the band that felt like it would go all the way. Sean, Mike and I paid our dues in Dizzy Maroon and reassembled the band Dissemblers from a cover act into a song writing machine/performing machine. We played all up and down the 401 from Kingston to Toronto, hamilton, Cambridge and Guelph. A highlight was having the Hip’s manager, Jake Gold, say he liked us and request a CD one night at the Horsehoe on Toronto’s Queen Street. The big highlight was to tour Germany twice with our German buddies Like Water. That is where the last show was ever performed in the legend of the Dissemblers. Saturday the 12 of July 1997 in Negenborn germany . There is some video below. We never split up technically, we’re all friends still, everyone still plays and performs …….. so I’m wondering when the next gig is?